A mild temperature? A slight cough? You want to stay home from work for a day or two? Nope, you’ll get no sympathy from your nurse wife.
2. Your bad day could never be as bad as hers.
Oh, you got stuck in traffic and the coffee maker was broken? Rough life. Now: prepare yourself for what your wife went through. Yeah. You won’t complain ever again.
3. You’re going to have to re-schedule Christmas. And Thanksgiving. And New Years. Forever.
Most nurses have to work holidays. It’s just a part of the game–working to ensure others make it to their next holiday, while missing theirs. Thusly: you’ll celebrate Christmas a few days early; you’ll forget what it’s like to kiss her at midnight in the new year. And sadly: you’ll get used to it.
4. Your multi-tasking skills will never compete.
At the hospital, nurses are responsible for a million different things at once, and they still know how to prioritize. Thusly: if you can’t do four things at once whilst still standing on your head, you’re doing life wrong. And she’ll tell you so.
5. You will hear disgusting stories at the dinner table.
If they make it to the dinner table at all (hello, 12-hour shifts!), they’ll casually tell you their grossest stories of the day. Hang on to your appetite.
6. What you think is a “really bad injury” will probably require a butterfly stitch and a band-aid (and probably an eye roll).
You have to man-up.
7. But when they tell you to “go to the doctor,” they mean it.
Your wife knows when you’re at death’s door; she’s seen it. When she orders you to go to the doctor, take all your prescribed pills, and take care of yourself–she means it. Listen up.
8. You won’t get much “quality time.”
During those 12-hour shifts, nurses are often standing on that line between life and death, constantly communicating and rolling in stress. When they return home, they aren’t going to want to unwind with you, talk about their days. They want a glass of wine and, a moment later, lights-out.
SHARE if you agree! If you’re married to a nurse, write what else you know in the comments!
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